Advocacy Services
Empowering Parents
Supporting Students
Our ultimate goal at Butterfly Lane is to empower parents to confidently advocate for their children. Whether it be in the public school system, homeschooling, or if you just need extra support for your child, were here to help you navigate. We walk with you on your parental journey in educating your child, educating and empowering you to take control of your child’s education in whatever direction your child may need.
Support We Provide
We educate and empower you to understand and exercise your parental rights in regard to your child’s education.
Beside you, we help advocate for your child in SST, 504 Plan, or IEP meetings with the school/district.
We review all documents and support you in advocating for your child’s unique needs.
We ensure your voice as your child’s expert is heard.
We support and assist you with communicating and corresponding with school staff and district officials.
We consult and assist with case management and record keeping.
We provide consultation regarding academic goal areas for children with learning differences.
We design academic interventions and provide specialized academic instruction based upon your child’s unique needs.
Our Specialized Academic Instruction at Butterfly Lane is a multi-sensory approach to teaching and learning that is individualized to meet the needs of ALL children, ESPECIALLY those with autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, intellectual disability, speech and/or language impairment, and specific learning disabilities such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, auditory processing disorder (difficulty processing auditory information), language processing disorder, nonverbal learning disabilities (visual-spatial difficulties), visual perceptual disability (difficulties processing and understanding visual information).
Supporting children with learning differences poses unique challenges. As parents begin to navigate the special education process in public schools, they are often left feeling confused about how to help their child. The experiences parents encounter in obtaining various supports for their child at school (through SST meetings, IEP meetings, and 504 meetings) can be confusing, contentious, and at times without outcome. These experiences can be isolating for families and can lead to a withdraw from the greater community. Parents, children, and families often experience a sense of defeat as they try to navigate a complex system designed to educate their child. We are here to help.
Butterfly Lane Specialized Academic & Advocacy Services offers parents an avenue of empowerment. We offer advocacy services to help you truly understand your rights as a parent, and help you retain your expert role as such - YOU are THE EXPERT regarding your child.
We begin with your parental rights and help make clear the nature of the IEP process in public schools. We stand beside you to educate you about the system, your rights, and ensure your voice as your child’s expert is heard. We provide parents and families a safe space to learn how to navigate a complex process designed to ensure your child receives a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in the most Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) appropriate, considering all aspects of YOUR child.
We walk you through each step of the IEP process, from the, “I think my child is struggling” stage, to the “I think my child needs an IEP stage,” and finally through to the “Help! I have a teen” stage. We help with every stage in between and sideways from Pre-kinder to Highschool and Beyond. We help clarify the jargon, dissolve the shroud of data, and work to build bridges toward success for your child. We support you in your quest to fully support your child. We offer Advocacy, Consultation, Assessment, and Educational Therapy Services to meet your child’s unique educational needs.
Our ultimate goal at Butterfly Lane is to empower parents who can confidently advocate for their children. Whether it be in the public school system, homeschooling, or just for just extra support, we walk with you on your parental journey in educating your child, empowering you to take control of your child’s education.
Services We Pursue
Specialized Academic Instruction
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Adaptive Physical Education
Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Training and Support
1:1 IBI/ABA Supports
Behavioral Intervention Services
Social Skills Support and Training
Counseling Services
Speech and Language Therapy
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Services and Supports
Assistive Technology (AT) Services and Supports
Environmental and Curricular Accommodations and Modifications
Transportation Services
Non-Public School Placement