Kerri Pennings ~ MA. Special Education

Founding Specialist & CEO

Educational Therapist - Master of Arts in Special Education

Kerri Pennings is a Southern California native who grew up in Redondo Beach, California. Throughout her childhood and young adult life she watched as her mother struggled, begged and tirelessly advocated for an appropriate education for her siblings. Her brother’s attention difficulties significantly impacted his academic success. Her sister’s symptoms of severe anxiety significantly impacted her ability to physically attend school. Watching her mother’s stressful journey to help educate her children, planted the seed that would turn into a passionate career as an Educational Therapist and Advocate for children with learning challenges.

As a mother of a child with special needs herself, Kerri has faced significant difficulties with obtaining an appropriate education for her son with a Speech and Language impairment (SLI). She knows first hand how it feels to advocate for your child’s best interests and discuss your child with the experts at school, only to be left feeling unheard, confused, and alone. Currently, she is helping parents advocate for their children with Speech and Language Impairments (SLI), Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD/LD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism (AUT), Intellectual Disabilities (ID), Behavioral Disorders, and a myriad of other factors that impact a child’s education.

Kerri explains that after working in public education for 15 years, she has discovered that her true passion is helping empower parents in advocating for their children through education, support, and service. During her career as an educator she has facilitated countless IEP meetings, co-constructed and implemented Individualized Education Plans (IEPS), and has supported children in meeting their academic goals in a specialized setting and in the general education classroom. However, the most rewarding part of her work now, is helping families support their children with positive, individualized support in all aspects of their child’s education.

“My goal is to serve as a source of strength to families with special children to inspire. I want to ensure that families are heard and children are supported based upon all available information. I am passionate and serious about illuminating a child’s strengths while working to ensure their needs are supported with appropriate intervention, supports, and services. I genuinely care about parents and children being seen and valued as members of the educational team. I love watching parents gain an understanding of their rights, and seeing them empowered to exercise them.”

As an advocate Kerri brings her robust understanding of the Educational and IEP processes, along with her passion for educating ALL children, to help support parents with their child’s educational journey.